Crush its viper head with the heel of our boot!

Crush its viper head with the heel of our boot!

(J.C. Philpot, “The Walk in the Fields and among the Vineyards“)

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“Whoever will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me” Mark 8:34

To deny and renounce self lies at the very foundation of vital godliness.

It is easy in some measure to leave the world; easy to leave the professing church; but to go forth out of self–there is the difficulty, for this “self” embraces such a variety of forms.

What varied shapes and forms does this monster SELF assume! How hard to trace his windings! How difficult to track this wily foe to his hidden den; drag him out of the cave; and immolate him at the foot of the cross, as Samuel hewed down Agag in Gilgal.

Proud self,
righteous self,
covetous self,
ambitious self,
sensual self,
deceitful self,
religious self,
flesh-pleasing self.

How difficult to detect, unmask, strip out of its changeable suits of apparel–this ugly, misshaped creature; and then stamp upon it, as if one would crush its viper head with the heel of our boot!

Who will do such violence to beloved self, when every nerve quivers and shrinks; and the coward heart cries to the uplifted foot, “Spare, spare!”

But unless there is this selfcrucifixion, there is no walking hand in hand with Christ, no heavenly communion with Him; for there can no more be a partnership between Christ and self, than there can be a partnership between Christ and sin.

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Grace Gems!




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