The Existence of God as Unveiled in the Lord Jesus Christ

By A W Pink

In the dispensations of His Providence, the revelation which God has made of Himself unto mankind has been a progressive one. First, He is manifested in the realm of creation, and th ...


The Existence of God as Unveiled in the Lord Jesus Christ
A. W. Pink

In the dispensations of His Providence, the revelation which God has made of Himself unto mankind has been a progressive one. First, He is manifested in the realm of creation, and that with sufficient clearness as to leave all without excuse if they perceive not that He is. Second, God is revealed in man himself, so that his very constitution evinces his Divine origin and his conscience bears witness of his accountability to his Maker. Third, God is plainly to be seen in human history: most patently in His dealings with the Jews during the past 35 centuries; yet with sufficient clearness everywhere as to attest that He is the moral Governor of this world, the Regulator of human affairs. But over and above these—O wonder of wonders—God has become incarnate. In the Person of His blessed and co-equal Son, God deigned to clothe Himself in our flesh and blood and manifest Himself unto the sons of men. For the space of 33 years He appeared among men and displayed His glory before their eyes; yea, gave proof of His matchless mercy by performing a work, at infinite cost to Himself, which has made it possible for Him to righteously save the very chief of sinners. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:1, 14). It is by means of words that we make known our wills, reveal the calibre of our minds and the character of our hearts, and communicate information unto others. Appropriately, then, is Christ designated, “The Word of God,” for He has made the Transcendent immanent, the incomprehensible God intelligible to us. Thus, too, is He denominated “the image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15) and the “Alpha and the Omega” (Rev. 1:8)—the One who spells out the Deity unto us. “The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared” or “told Him forth” (John 1:18). In Christ’s life of impeccable purity, we behold God’s holiness; in His utter selflessness, God’s benevolence; in His peerless teaching, God’s wisdom; in His unrivalled miracles, God’s power; in His gentleness and longsuffering, God’s patience; in His love and grace, the outshining of God’s glory. …

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The Existence of God as Unveiled in the Lord Jesus Christ

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