His Love!

His Love!

(Mark Webb)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

[You might want to sing/pray the following lyrics as you listen to the song.]

O the wonder of wonders, that God should love me!
Love a sinner so guilty, so vile and unclean.
To love the unlovely, O how can it be done?
‘Tis only in Jesus, through His blessed Son!

Long before I ever knew Him, my Lord first knew me;
Before I ever sought Him, my Lord first sought me!
When I was in darkness, His sworn enemy,
He purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree!

His love is a mountain that I cannot scale!
As wide as an ocean that I cannot sail!
I’ll never lay hold of, my mind fully see,
This love that in mercy first laid hold of me!

Now that I first did choose Him, for that could not be!
Still this heart would refuse Him, had He left it to me.
I’d still fight that battle that no man can win,
I’d still bar the heart’s door that letteth Him in!

His love is a mountain that I cannot scale!
As wide as an ocean that I cannot sail!
I’ll never lay hold of, my mind fully see,
This love that in mercy first laid hold of me!

“Having loved His own who were in the world, He now loved them to the uttermost!” John 13:1

“Just as the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you!” John 15:9

“The Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me!” Galatians 2:20

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 
1 John 3:1

A treasury of ageless sovereign grace devotional writings!


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