A vexing vanity!
(Thomas Watson) LISTEN to Audio! Download Audio
“Deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:13
In this petition, we pray to be delivered from the EVIL world. “He died for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.” Galatians 1:4
It is an evil world, as it is a DEFILING world. The opinions and examples of the world are defiling. How easily are we hurried to sin, when we have the tide of natural corruption, and the wind of example to carry us! “You shall not follow a multitude to do evil.” Exodus 23:2. Bad examples are contagious, “They mingled among the pagans, and adopted their evil customs.” Psalm 106:35
Living in the world, is like traveling on a dirty road. It requires a high degree of grace to keep ourselves “unspotted by the world.” James 1:27
It is an evil world, as it is an ENSNARING world.
The world is full of snares.
Company is a snare.
Recreation is a snare.
Riches are golden snares.The apostle John speaks of the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” 1 John 2:16
The lust of the flesh is beauty.
The lust of the eye is money.
The pride of life is honor.
These are the natural man's trinity!The world is a FLATTERINGenemy. Whom it kisses, it betrays! The world is a silken noose! The pleasures of the world, like opium, cast men into the sleep of carnal security. King Lysimachus sold his crown for a cup of water. Just so, many part with Heaven for this poor world. They are enslaved with the world’s golden fetters!The world bewitched Demas, 2 Timothy 4:10. One of Christ’s own apostles was caught with a silver bait. It is hard to drink the wine of prosperity, and not be giddy. The world, through our innate corruption, is evil, as it is a snare.
It is an evil world, as it is a DEADENING world. It dulls and deadens the affections to heavenly objects. Earthly things choke the seed of the Word. A man entangled in the world is so taken up with secular concerns, that he can no more mind spiritual things, than an elephant can fly in the air! And even such as have grace in them, when their affections are beslimed with earth, they find themselves much indisposed to meditation and prayer; it is like swimming with a heavy stone around the neck!
It is an evil world, as it is a DECEITFUL world.
The world makes us believe that it will satisfy our desires, but it only increases them!It is an evil world, as it is a VEXING world. It is full of trouble.
“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows!” John 16:33
“Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward!” Job 5:7
“How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full of trouble!” Job 14:1Basil was of opinion that before the fall, the rose grew without prickles; but now every sweet flower of our life has its thorns! There are many things which cause trouble. Some are troubled that they have no children, others that they have children.
The world is a vexing vanity! If a man is poor, he is despised by the rich; if he is rich, he is envied by the poor.
If we do not find an ensnaring world, we shall find it an AFFLICTINGworld; it has more in it to trouble us than tempt us.
The world is a sea, where we are tossed upon the surging waves of sorrow, and often in danger of shipwreck!
The world is a wilderness, and full of fiery serpents!
What great need then, have we to pray, “Lord, deliver us from being hurt by this evil world!”
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