Thomas Watson’s choice excerpts on HEAVEN

Thomas Watson’s choice excerpts on HEAVEN

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One hour in Heaven will make us forget all our sorrows! As the sun dries up the water, so one beam of God’s glorious face will dry up all our tears!

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Heaven is the highest link of the saint’s happiness. As there is no intermission in the joys of Heaven–so there shall be no expiration of them. When God has once planted His saints in paradise, He will never transplant them, “they shall be forever with the Lord!”

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The sea is not so full of water–as the soul of a glorified saint is full of joy.
There can be no sorrow in Heaven–as there can be no joy in Hell.

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See how happy are God’s saints at their death! They go to a kingdom! They see God’s face, which shines ten thousand times brighter than the sun in its meridian glory! They enter eternal glory, which is the quintessence of all delights!

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In that Heavenly kingdom, the saints are crowned with perfection! 

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The desires of the glorified saints are infinitely satisfied!
   There is nothing absent–which they could wish might be enjoyed.
      There is nothing present–which they could wish might be removed.

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In Heaven, there is . . .
  knowledge without ignorance,
  holiness without sin,
  beauty without blemish,
  strength without weakness,
  light without darkness,
  riches without poverty,
  ease without pain,
  liberty without restraint,
  rest without labor,
  joy without sorrow,
  love without hatred,
  plenty without excess,
  honor without disgrace,
  health without sickness,
  peace without end,
  contentment without cessation!
Oh, the happiness of those who die to the Lord!

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Heaven will make amends for all!

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“He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them! He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away! He who sits on the throne said: Behold, I am making all things new!” Revelation 21:3-5

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