If Jehovah is your God!
(James Smith) Play Audio! Download Audio
“I will be their God, and they shall be My people!” Hebrews 8:10
So has Jehovah purposed, in reference to those whom He has eternally loved and chosen.
All of our present and future blessedness is wrapped up in this holy and gracious purpose.If Jehovah is your God, then all of His glorious attributes and perfections are engaged and employed for your eternal welfare!
His mercy will supply all of your needs.
His power will conquer all of your foes.
His wisdom will direct all of your ways.
His faithfulness will answer all of your prayers.
His justice will maintain your cause.
His infinite love and mercy will be displayed in all of His gracious dealings with you!If Jehovah is your God, then . . .
His promises are your heritage,
His precepts are your rule,
His doctrines are your present paradise,
His Son is your Savior and King,
His Spirit is your Sanctifier and Tutor, and
He Himself is your everlasting portion! Psalm 119:57If Jehovah is your God, then He will freely confer all really good things on you at present,
and crown you at last with eternal glory! He will . . .
receive you graciously,
guide you continually,
chasten you occasionally,
and bless you indeed!If Jehovah is your God, then all things are yours, things present and to come–life, death, the world, Heaven, all are yours!
If Jehovah is your God, then He will consider nothing too great to do for you, and nothing too glorious to give to you! All the treasures of time, and all the resources of eternity–will, if necessary, be employed for your spiritual and eternal benefit! You can lack nothing which is really for your good.
To have Jehovah for your God, is the highest blessedness and honor in the universe!
How blessed is the man, who has Jehovah as his God!
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