Who could have thought!

Who could have thought!

(James Smith, “The Love of Christ! The Fullness, Freeness, and Immutability of the Savior’s Grace Displayed!“)

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“But I am a worm and not a man–scorned by men and despised by the people!” Psalm 22:6

How wondrously did Jesus display His love when He . . .
  assumed our nature,
  took upon Him the form of a slave,
  and was found in appearance as a man!

What love, to stoop so low as to . . .
  be conceived in a virgin’s womb,
  be brought forth in pain, and
  experience all the weakness and ignorance of infancy!

Yes, He was brought forth in poverty–a stable for His birth-place, and a feeding-trough for His bed! He passed by the palaces of the noble, and the mansions of the great; yes, even the comfortable cottages of the poor–and was born in circumstances of misery and degradation!

Who could have thought, if they had entered that stable and seen that infant weeping on His mother’s bosom:
 That that infant was the mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of peace!
 That all the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in that little babe!
 That it was love, incomparable and inconceivable love–which brought Deity and humanity together in such a wonderful and indescribable union!

This is the mystery of Godliness, the mystery of love! He left . . .
  the bright abodes of blessedness and glory,
  the songs of Cherubim and Seraphim,
  the bosom of His Father, and
  the infinite delights which He had eternally enjoyed–
to be a worm and not a man; to be scorned and despised by all!

Jesus was once a helpless infant–a feeble child. And yet, at the same moment, He was the Almighty, the self-sufficient God!

What privations He suffered, even from the very beginning of His career on earth!
What pain He endured, from His birth unto His death!

He went sorrowing, sighing, and groaning–from the stable, to gloomy Calvary, where He . . .
  finished His work,
  proved His love,
  conquered His foes,
  delighted His Father, and
  merited everlasting honors and glories for His people!

O mystery of mercy!

Here is love beyond measure and degree!

O my soul, admire and adore!

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N.B. On Sundays we are posting a nine part series of Thomas Brooks, “Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices!” This is one of the best Puritan books ever written. If you have never read a Puritan book, this would be a great place to start. You will find it helpful to read the text, as you listen to this professionally narrated audio. Here is Chapter 2, part 2:

Read TEXT  Listen to AUDIO

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