Losses, crosses, disappointments and bereavements!

Losses, crosses, disappointments and bereavements

(James Smith, “Christ Precious!” 1861)  Play Audio!  Download

“Unto you therefore who believe, He is precious!” 1 Peter 2:7

Christ is especially precious to believers, when the emptiness of the world is discovered. The soul having tried the world, has found it . . .
  false and fickle,
  an empty cistern,
  a dry well,
  a cloud without water,
  only vanity and vexation of spirit!

The Christian has experienced that . . .
  the world’s pleasures, end in pain,
  its honors, end in disgrace,
  and its wealth, ends in absolute poverty.

Now turning from the world, to Jesus, it finds . . .
  solid happiness,
  substantial pleasure,
  full supplies.

It obtains . . .
  a deep and lasting peace which passes all understanding,
  unsearchable riches in Christ, and
  honors which will never pass away.

O how precious is Jesus, when this world appears to be a valley of tears! Almost everything earthly is at times calculated to . . .
  cause sorrow,
  fill us with sadness,
  and draw forth tears.
Losses, crosses, disappointments and bereavements, all conspire to make us sad. Earth is to us a Valley of Achor, the place of trouble and sorrow.

Now turning to Jesus, we find a friend who loves at all times, and a brother born for adversity.
He makes up for every loss,
He sanctifies every disappointment,
and He fills for us every relation.

His presence is . . .
  like a flowing spring, in a dreary desert,
  like a cheering fire, on a piercing winter’s night,
  and like a happy home, to the exhausted traveler.

O how precious is Jesus now!

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N.B. If you are unable to attend your local church today, you may want to read this most insightful article by Arthur Pink, “The Godhood of God!” It will be profitable to listen to the 42 minute AUDIO, as you read the text.

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