What would Jesus do?

What would Jesus do?

(James Smith, “How Shall I Honor Jesus Today?” 1857)

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How shall I honor Jesus today?

First, I must DEDICATE myself anew unto Him.

Second, I must look to Him for all I NEED through the day.

Third, I must IMITATE Jesus in all I do.
He is proposed to us in His Word as our great example.
We should therefore strive to imitate Him.
My object should be . . .
  to think as Jesus thought,
  to speak as Jesus spoke,
  to feel as Jesus felt, and
  to act as Jesus acted.

Often, very often, should we pause to ask, “Is this like Jesus?
 Would He indulge such a temper?
 Would He employ such language?
 Would He encourage such thoughts?
 Would He do, as I am doing?”

Or, if at a loss what to do at any time, we should ask:
 “What would Jesus do?
  How would Jesus act in this case?
  What would Jesus do under these circumstances?
  What would Jesus say?
  What temper would Jesus display?”

This would often send us to His Word.
We should become familiar with His life.
We should be well acquainted with His character.
And what a preservative it would be!
What humility it would produce!

Jesus wishes us to be like Himself.
He has left us an example, that we should follow in His steps.
He says, “Do as I have done!”

If, therefore, I would honor Jesus, I must make it my study and I must daily seek grace, that I may imitate Him in all that I do, at all times and in all places.

O to be like Jesus . . .
  in my family,
  in my business,
  in the church, and
  when alone with God!

“Whoever claims to live in Him, must walk as Jesus did.” 1 John 2:6

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