We shall wither, fade, and die!
(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Morning Visit”) LISTEN to audio! Download audio
(You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.)
“Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall!” Isaiah 64:6What a contrast between an unchangeable God, and a sinner withering like a leaf! Yet, this is a true picture of us, and of all temporal things.
We began to look green and bright not long ago; and in a little time we shall wither, fade, and die!
“How short is life, and how full of trouble! Like a flower, we blossom for a moment, and then wither!” Job 14:1-2. Humbling consideration! But it may be rendered very useful. Let us endeavor to profit by it.
Shall we soon wither and die?
Then let us not be overly concerned by anything that occurs here below.
Let us set our affections on things above, and lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven.
Let us live by faith in Jesus, walk with God, and aim principally to please Him in all that we do.
Let us also watch against a worldly spirit, and pass the time of our sojourning here on earth in fear.
We shall soon find that . . .
health gives place to sickness;
strength gives place to weakness;
youth gives place to old age!The dying bed, the coffin, and the grave–are just before us!
Let us therefore make our calling and our election sure.
Let us cultivate close and filial fellowship with God.
Let us dig deep and lay our foundation upon the Rock!
Brethren, the time is short! Eternity with all its glories is just before us!
“Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall!” Isaiah 64:6
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