Such a god should be derided!

Such a god should be derided!

(William S. Plumer, “A Treatise on Providence” 1865)

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The unrenewed heart is atheistic in its inclinations.

“They say: The Lord doesn’t see it. The God of Jacob doesn’t pay attention.” Psalm 94:7

“The wicked say to themselves: ‘God isn’t watching! He will never notice!’
 Arise, O Lord! Punish the wicked, O God!”Psalm 10:11-12

Nothing more derogatory to the character of God can possibly be said, than that He does not rule the world.

God reigns is a logical conclusion from God is. To deny God’s providence is as atheistic as to deny His existence! A god, who neither sees, nor hears, nor knows, nor cares, nor helps, nor saves–is a vanity, and can never claim homage from intelligent men. Such a god should be derided, not worshiped! He might suit the mythology of Paganism, or meet the demands of an infidel heart–but could never command the allegiance, or win the confidence of an enlightened and pious man!

The world may as well be without a god–as have one who is incompetent to rule it, or, who, wrapping Himself in a mantle of careless indifference, abandons creation to the governance of puny mortals, to the rule of devils, or to the sway of blind chance! Such conduct may well comport with the character of false gods–but is wholly abhorrent to the nature of Jehovah! God’s tender mercies are over all His works. His kingdom rules over all!

“Our God is in Heaven and does whatever He pleases!” Psalm 115:3

“For I know that the Lord is great; our Lord is greater than all gods. The Lord does whatever He pleases in Heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths!” Psalm 135:5-6

“Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns!”Revelation 19:6

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