That one majestic, inconceivable and expressive word!

That one majestic, inconceivable and expressive word!

(John Angell James, “The Death of Mrs. Sherman” May 28, 1848)

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“And this is the promise that He Himself made to us: eternal life.” 1 John 2:25

In the infinite comprehensiveness of this one promise are included:
  all that the omniscient mind of the Fatherin the exercise of His love has contrived in eternity;
  all that the incarnate Sonhas obtained by His sacrifice upon the cross;
  all that the Divine Spirithas revealed upon the page of Scripture; and
  all which is contained in that one majestic, inconceivable and expressive word–HEAVEN!

I do not need flamboyant descriptions and eloquent representations of the celestial state, to raise my desires and hopes. It is enough to know that it is GLORY–first prepared, then promised, and ultimately bestowed by Jehovah as the concentration of His infinite beneficence and the full manifestation of His boundless benevolence!

Heaven is . . .
  the absence of all evil, natural and moral;
  the possession of all possible good;
  a glorified body united with a perfect soul;
and all this in the immediate presence of God!

  There we shall see God!

  We shall not only see Him, but love Him!

  We shall not only love Him, but serve Him!

  We shall not only serve Him, but enjoy Him!

  We shall not only enjoyHim, but hold such communionwith Him as will assimilate us to the all-perfect source of our felicity!

The objects of . . .
  our contemplation,
  our situation,
  our companions,
  our personal constitution,
  our constant exercises of holy intellect, heart and volition
–will be so many distinct sources of bliss!

Perfect knowledge,
perfect holiness and
perfect love must of necessity
open the fountain of perfect joy!

No secondary concern will call off our unwearied attention from the service of God; no sin or pain will interrupt us in it; nor will death ever dismiss us from it. The business and the blessedness of that happy state are the same–our supreme delight will be our constant employment!
Every sense will be an inlet,
every faculty a capacity, and
every energy a pulsation
–of the purest bliss!

Heaven will be “life” . . .
  life in perfection,
  the life of the soul,
  the life of God,
  the life of eternity!

But to describe it, how vain and arrogant the attempt, when even to conceive of it is impossible! “In Your presence is fullness of joy! At Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore!” Neither language nor thought can go beyond this! Mind cannot conceive more. God Himself can tell us no more, than that Heaven consists in His presence and the enjoyment of His favor–forever and ever!

“No eye has seen,
 no ear has heard, and
 no mind has imagined
the things that God has prepared for those who love Him!” 1 Corinthians 2:9

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Something to ponder: “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers!” (John Calvin)

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