Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:
He justifies us–but we condemn Him!
William Dyer, 1632-1696
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Your recent sickness had a voice!
(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795)
Dear Sir,
Your recent sickness had a voice! It spoke, and you heard it say, “In the midst of life, we are in death!”How short is life–and how uncertain!
How certain, infallibly certain, is death!
How necessary is preparation for death, and how dangerous is the least delay.
How comforting is a well-grounded hope of safety in death, and of joy beyond it! This is the antidote against the sting of death–yes, and against the fear of death. It is an infallible cure!
Every Christian can look forward to death and judgment, with a hope full of glory and immortality!
~ ~ ~ ~
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