I would carry all to Him as one great lump of sin!

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

Not Puny Sinful Worms! 
Ruth Bryan, very helpful
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I would carry all to Him as one great lump of sin!

(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795)

Dear friend,
The Spirit is teaching you. He is bringing you to live out of yourself, and upon the fullness of Jesus. Trusting in His faithful Word, you may experience how ready His heart is and how able His hand is, to supply all your need. This is a beggar’s life; here is nothing but alms.

When the Spirit would glorify Jesus, He humbles you.

When He would glorify His fullness, He makes you feel your emptiness.

When He would bring you to rely on His strength, He convinces you of your weakness.

When He would magnify the comforts of Jesus, He makes you sensible of your misery.

When He would fix your heart on His Heaven, He makes you feel your deserved Hell.

When He would exalt His righteousness, you find that you are a poor, miserable sinner.

My friend, let nothing keep you from Jesus. Whatever you need, whatever you feel is wrong with you–may it bring you to the Savior’s fullness! Oh, that all things may help forward your acquaintance with Him–I except nothing, neither sin nor sorrow! I would carry all to Him as one great lump of sin–and receive all from Him, as the only storehouse of good for wretched sinners.

In this communion I desire to grow; for this I desire to live. Oh, that you and I may learn it more, and every day get nearer fellowship with our sweet Jesus–growing up into Him in all things.

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We have just published the Letters of William Romaine, some 100 pages. These are some of the most insightful and helpful materials we have ever read on the Christian life!

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