Depths, heights, lengths and breadths of loveliness!

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

The divine magnet that draws with irresistible force, hearts of steel! 
Archibald Brown  Play Audio!  Read text  Download Audio
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Depths, heights, lengths and breadths of loveliness!

(Cornelius Tyree, “The Glorious Sufficiency of Christ!” 1879)

The more we love Him, the more lovely He will become to us.

We soon exhaust the most excellent characters of earth. But in the character of our blessed Redeemer there are depths, heights, lengths and breadths of loveliness that we can never exhaust through time or eternity. After, in Heaven, we shall have seen the King in His beauty as many millions of years as there are grains of dust in our globe–there will still be in Him an infinitude of unrevealed beauties to transport our ever expanding souls.

“He is fairer than the children of men,” and infinitely more lovely than all the holy angels, comprising in Himself all the graces of time and all the perfections of eternity.

“He is the chief among ten thousand! Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved, and this is my Friend!” As every ray of light in the natural world may be traced up in converging rays to the sun–so every trait of moral loveliness found in good men and angels is but a feeble ray from Him, the sun of the moral universe.

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You may want to read the whole of Tyree’s precious 58 page booklet, “The Glorious Sufficiency of Christ!

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