Pithy gems from J.C. Ryle #3

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

“Justice and mercy!”Samuel Davies Outstanding!
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Pithy gems from J.C. Ryle #3

The beginning of the way to Heaven–is to feel that we are on the way to Hell.

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There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have enough–a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice–which costs nothing, and is worth nothing!

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Christian! Your trials, crosses and conflicts are all temporary.

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I am one of those old-fashioned ministers who believe the whole Bible and everything that it contains.

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There are no lessons so useful–as those learned in the school of affliction.

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Christ is never fully valued, until sin is clearly seen. We must know the depth and malignity of our disease, in order to appreciate the great Physician.

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If you desire additional reading, may we suggest James Smith’s interesting two page article, “An Offensive Question!

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We have published Grace Gems for SEPTEMBER 2019 in one file!

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Grace Gems!

A treasury of ageless sovereign grace devotional writings


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