Seven Principles of Christian Discipleship

William MacDonald’s Seven Principles of Christian Discipleship:

1. A supreme love for Jesus Christ.

2. A denial of self.

3. A deliberate choosing of the cross.

4. A life spent in following Christ.

5. A fervent love for all who belong to Christ.

6. An unswerving commitment to His Word.

7. A forsaking of all to follow Him.

“In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has, cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:33

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N.B. If you are unable to attend your local church today, you may want to watch this challenging message by Curtis Knapp on Luke 14:25-33, “The Cost of Being a Disciple of Christ” (Nepotism in the Church) 
WATCH VIDEO  LISTEN to audio  Download audio

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