Profiting from the Word - Part Three
By A W Pink
Profiting from the Word – Part Three
A. W. Pink
7. The Scriptures and the World 1
8. The Scriptures and the Promises 8
9. The Scriptures and Joy 16
10. The Scriptures and Love 24
7. The Scriptures and the World
Not a little is written to the Christian in the New Testament about “the world” and his attitude towards it. Its real nature is plainly defined, and the believer is solemnly warned against it. God’s holy Word is a light from heaven, shining here “in a dark place” (2 Pet. 1:19). Its Divine rays exhibit things in their true colours, penetrating and exposing the false veneer and glamour by which many objects are cloaked. That world upon which so much labour is bestowed and money spent, and which is so highly extolled and admired by its blinded dupes, is declared to be “the enemy of God;” therefore are His children forbidden to be “conformed” to it and to have their affections set upon it. The present phase of our subject is by no means the least important of those that we have set out to consider, and the serious reader will do well to seek Divine grace to measure himself or herself by it. One of the exhortations which God has addressed to His children runs, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby” (1 Pet. 2:2), and it behooves each one of them honestly and diligently to examine himself so as to discover whether or not this be the case with him. Nor are we to be content with an increase of mere head-knowledge of Scripture: what we need to be most concerned about is our practical growth, our experimental conformity to the image of Christ. And one point at which we may test ourselves is, Does my reading and study of God’s Word make me less worldly?
1. We profit from the Word when our eyes are opened to discern the true character of the world. One of the poets wrote, …