The Christian's Great Interest - Part Two - How to Attain a Saving Interest in Christ. - Booklet 4 - Chapter III & IV
By William Guthrie
The Christian’s Great Interest
Part Two: How to Attain a Saving Interest in Christ
Booklet Four — Chapters III & IV
William Guthrie
Chapter III
Objections and Difficulties Answered and Explained I. The sinner’s baseness rendering it presumption to come to Christ
Objection. I am so base, worthless, and weak of myself that I think it were high presumption for me to meddle with Christ Jesus, or the salvation purchased at the price of His blood.
Answer. It is true, all the children of Adam are base and wicked before Him, “who chargeth His angels with folly” (Job 4:18). “All nations are less than nothing and vanity before him” (Isa. 40:17). There is such a disproportion between God and man, that unless He Himself had devised that covenant, and of His own free will had offered so to transact with men, it had been high treason for men or angels to have imagined that God should have humbled himself, and become a servant, and have taken on Him our nature, and have united it by a personal union to the blessed Godhead; and that He should have subjected Himself to the shameful death of the cross; and all this, that men, who were rebels, should be reconciled unto God, and be made eternally happy, by being in His holy company for ever. But I say, all this was His own device and free choice; yea, moreover, if God had not sovereignly commanded men so to close with Him in and through Christ, no man durst have made use of that device of His – “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money: come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price” (Isa. 55:1-3). “And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His son Jesus Christ” (1 John 3:23). So then, although with Abigail I may say, “Let me be but a servant, to wash the feet of the servants of my Lord” (1 Sam. …