The Doctrine of Revelation - Part Two, The Holy Bible - Booklet Four

By A W Pink

The Holy Bible Declares it Comes from God Himself We have presented a portion of that abundant evidence which makes it unmistakably manifest that God has given us a clear revelation ...


The Doctrine of Revelation
Booklet Four – Part Two
A. W. Pink

4. The Holy Bible Declares it Comes from God Himself
5. The Holy Bible is Unique
6. The Holy Bible Teaches the Way of Salvation

4. The Holy Bible Declares it Comes from God Himself We have presented a portion of that abundant evidence which makes it unmistakably manifest that God has given us a clear revelation of Himself in creation, in the constitution of man (physical, mental, and moral), in His government of this world (as evinced in the annals of history), in the advent to this earth of His incarnate Son, and in the Holy Scriptures. We based our first argument that the Bible is an inspired communication from God on the fact that man is in urgent need of a written revelation, because his own faculties—especially as he is now a fallen and sinful creature—are insufficient as a guide to virtue and eternal happiness. Second, that there is therefore a presumption in favour of the Bible’s being a revelation from God, since man urgently needs such and God is well able to supply it. Since all nature evinces that a merciful Creator has made suitable provision for every need of all His creatures, it is unthinkable that this supreme need of the highest of His earthly creatures should be neglected. We now come to point 3: Its own claims. These are unambiguous, positive, decisive, leaving us in no doubt as to what the Scriptures profess to be. The Bible declares that, as a Book, it comes to us from God Himself. It urges that claim in various ways. Its very names proclaim its Source. It is repeatedly denominated “The Word of God.” It is so denominated because as we express our thoughts and make known our intentions by means of words, so in His Book God has disclosed His mind and declared His will unto us. It is called “The Book of the …

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The Doctrine of Revelation - Part Two, The Holy Bible - Booklet Four

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