
You may get a ticket straight to Hell, by express!

You may get a ticket straight to Hell, by express! (Talmage, “The Abominations of Modern Society“, 1872)  LISTEN to audio! Download audio If you would lead a pure life, have nothing to do with bad books and impure newspapers. With such immoral literature as is coming forth from our swift-revolving printing-presses, there is no excuse


You may get a ticket straight to Hell, by express! Read More »

This Book!

This book! (James Smith, “The Way of Salvation Set Forth”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio The fountain of divine truth is the Lord Jesus Christ. The repository of divine truth is the Holy Scriptures. The proper abode of divine truth is the sinner’s heart.And the sacred revealer of truth is the Holy Spirit. The Bible


This Book! Read More »

Who can fairly represent the horrors of that horrible place?

Who can fairly represent the horrors of that horrible place? (James Smith, “The Way of Salvation Set Forth”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio “Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come!” 1 Thessalonians 1:10 Salvation includes deliverance from Hell. Of all dreadful places, Hell is the most dreadful. No one figure can give us


Who can fairly represent the horrors of that horrible place? Read More »