
God’s love displayed in the salvation of His people!

God’s love displayed in the salvation of His people! (Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio   Who can comprehend the height, and the width, and depth–of God’s love displayed in the salvation of His people! That God should so pity us as to give His only-begotten Son to die for us! That He should lay our iniquities


God’s love displayed in the salvation of His people! Read More »

The ensnaring power and deadly influence of worldly vanities!

The ensnaring power and deadly influence of worldly vanities! (Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio“Vanity of vanities! Vanity of vanities–all is vanity!” Ecclesiastes 1:2By the word “vanity,” we understand all those things which are apt to engross the desires and affections of men. The Apostle John classes them all under:  “the lust of the flesh, 


The ensnaring power and deadly influence of worldly vanities! Read More »

His Love!

His Love! (Mark Webb)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio [You might want to sing/pray the following lyrics as you listen to the song.]O the wonder of wonders, that God should love me!Love a sinner so guilty, so vile and unclean.To love the unlovely, O how can it be done?‘Tis only in Jesus, through His blessed


His Love! Read More »

Nothing but God’s infinite mercy has held us up!

Nothing but God’s infinite mercy has held us up! (Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio“You have delivered . . .  my soul from death,  my eyes from tears,  and my feet from falling!I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living!”Psalm 116:8-9What a miracle of mercy it is, if our feet are kept!Consider with what


Nothing but God’s infinite mercy has held us up! Read More »

Christ’s sleepless vigilance over His people!

Christ’s sleepless vigilance over His people!  (Octavius Winslow)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio“Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age!” Matthew 28:20 What an exalted and endearing truth is Christ’s sleepless vigilance over His people! Imagine yourself threading your way along a most difficult and perilous path, every step of which is


Christ’s sleepless vigilance over His people! Read More »