
Allow me to apply this subject to your hearts!

Allow me to apply this subject to your hearts! (Charles Simeon,  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio)“In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; in spite of His wonders, they did not believe. So He ended their days in futility, and their years in terror!” Psalm 78:32-33The state of Israel in the wilderness was one continued contest between […]


Allow me to apply this subject to your hearts! Read More »

The one, precious, all absorbing theme!

The one, precious, all absorbing theme! (Octavius Winslow, “The Precious Things of God“)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download AudioThe Word of God must ever be transcendently precious to the believer. The Bible is, from its commencement to its close, a record of the Lord Jesus. Around Him the divine and glorious Word centers; all its wondrous types, prophecies


The one, precious, all absorbing theme! Read More »

Human guidance

Human guidance (Octavius Winslow, “The Fragrance of Christ’s Name”)  LISTEN to Audio!   Download AudioWe have need to be on our watch against the powerful influence of spiritual mentors–lest, fascinated by the fame of some popular leader, we become the willing dupes of a childish superstition, or the blind followers of a fatal error.Do not take your


Human guidance Read More »

The acorns with which God feeds swine!

The acorns with which God feeds swine! (Thomas Watson, “The Art of Divine Contentment”)  LISTEN to Audio!   Download Audio“I envied the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked!”  Psalm 73:3It is often that the evil enjoy all the good–and the good endure all the evil.Be contented, for remember: Worldly goods are not the only things, nor the best things. They


The acorns with which God feeds swine! Read More »

The creature has a little honey in its mouth, but it has wings!

The creature has a little honey in its mouth, but it has wings! (Thomas Watson, “A Divine Cordial” 1663)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio“Do not love the world, or anything in the world.” 1 John 2:15It is better to love God, than the world.If you set your love on worldly things, they will not satisfy. You


The creature has a little honey in its mouth, but it has wings! Read More »

All the angels in Heaven could not count the mighty sum!

All the angels in Heaven could not count the mighty sum! (Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!   Download Audio“My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day long, though their number is past my knowledge!” Psalm 71:15David penned this Psalm and gave it to the church, as a memorial of God’s unbounded mercy


All the angels in Heaven could not count the mighty sum! Read More »