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Believer, what are you doing, going groaning through the world beneath a load of fears and cares?
(Thomas Guthrie, 1803-1873)
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31
There is no such thing as chance. All the reins that guide and govern the world are gathered into the hands of Jesus.
His care of His people extends to the most common, minute, and apparently trivial matters–all are links in the golden chain of providence.
Divine Providence is a comforting doctrine, too precious to be parted with! Let the thought that Jesus . . .
watches over all your affairs,
and guards your welfare,
and guides all your ways–
banish your every anxious care.I do not say that you will never be disappointed, but certainly you ought never to be discontented. Many things in your circumstances may occasion anxious thought, but nothing should occasion or can excuse sinful repining.
Child of God! He has numbered the hairs of your head, as well as the stars of Heaven!
Believer, what are you doing, going groaning through the world beneath a load of fears and cares? What should discourage you? What should disturb your peace? What can ruffle the calm spirit of a man who knows that the hands which were once nailed to the tree for him, now hold the helm of his destiny? The blessed Savior, who by love’s golden scepter reigns within his heart, holds sovereign sway over earth and Heaven; and . .
by both bitter and sweet providences,
by both coffins and cradles,
by both disappointments and joys,
by both losses and gains,
shall cause all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose.~ ~ ~ ~
Arthur Pink, “The Attributes of God”
Chapter 7. The Immutability of God
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A treasury of ageless sovereign grace devotional writings