Bliss beyond what the angels know!
(Charles Spurgeon, “Love’s Vigilance Rewarded”) Play Audio! Download
Why me Lord?
Words cannot express the joy of heart which I feel in knowing that Jesus is with me, and that He has loved me with an everlasting love!
I shall never understand, even in Heaven, why the Lord Jesus should ever have loved me.
There is no love like it! Why was it fixed upon me?
Have you never felt that you could go in, like David, and sit before the Lord, and say, “Who am I, O Lord God, that you have saved me?”
Yet wonderful as it is, it is true; Jesus loves His believing people; He loves them now at this very moment. Do you not rejoice in it?
I assure you that, in the least drop of the love of Christ when it is consciously realized, there is more sweetness than there would be in all Heaven without it.
Talk of bursting barns, overflowing wine-vats, and riches treasured up–these give but a poor solace to the heart.
But the love of Jesus, this is another word for Heaven! It is a marvel that even while we are here below, we should be permitted to enjoy a bliss beyond what the angels know!
“I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me!” Galatians 2:20
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