Assurance - Appendix, Dialogues - Part Two

By A W Pink

Mr. Carnal Confidence: “Good morning, Mr. Editor, I wish to have a talk with you about those articles on ‘Assurance’ which you published in last year’s ‘Studies.’” ...


Assurance — Part Two (Appendix, Dialogues )
A. W. Pink

The article which appeared in the last issue (which is included in booklet part one) really completed our present treatment of this theme. It has since occurred to us, though, that perhaps some would be helped were we to further explain and amplify one or two of the leading points. Really, this ought not to be necessary; yet Scripture tells us that it is “line upon line” (Isa. 28:10). Moreover, in view of the error which now so widely abounds, and the confusion which beclouds so many minds, it is hardly to be expected that one can unlearn in a few hours what he has been mistakenly receiving as God’s Truth for so many years. Doubtless not a few of our readers wish they had the opportunity for a personal conversation on the subject, so that they could state their difficulties and ask questions on anything that is not yet clear to them. We have therefore decided to write two further articles in the form of dialogues, introducing widely different characters, who express a desire to discuss the subject.

Dialogue 1
Mr. Carnal Confidence: “Good morning, Mr. Editor, I wish to have a talk with you about those articles on ‘Assurance’ which you published in last year’s ‘Studies.’”
The Writer: “Be seated, please. First of all, may we courteously but frankly inform you that our time is already fully occupied in seeking to minister unto God’s dear children, yet we are never too busy to do all in our power to help a needy soul.”

Carnal Confidence: “O I am not seeking help, my purpose in calling is to point out some things in your articles where I am quite sure you erred.”
The Writer: “It is written, dear friend, ‘If any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know’ (1 Cor. 8:2), therefore I trust that God will ever give me grace to willingly consider and weigh the views of others, and receive …

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Assurance - Appendix, Dialogues - Part Two

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