Daily Devotional Readings - Booklet One - January and February
By Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Daily Devotional Readings – Taken from the Works of Robert Murray M’Cheyne
Booklet One — January and February
January First
Do not forget
“… the fashion of this world passeth away” 1 Corinthians 7:31. A believer stands on a watch-tower — things present are below his feet — things eternal are before his eyes. A little while, brethren, and the day of grace will be over — preaching, praying will be done. Soon we shall give over wrestling with an unbelieving world — soon the number of believers shall be complete, and the sky open over our heads, and Christ shall come. His parting cry was: “Surely I come quickly.” Then we shall see Him “whom, having not seen, we loved.” A little while, and we shall stand before the great white throne; a little while, and the wicked shall not be — we shall see them going away into everlasting punishment; a little while, and the work of eternity shall be begun. We shall be like Him — we shall see Him day and night in His temple — we shall sing the new song, without sin and without weariness, for ever and ever. In a little moment, brethren, all this shall be: “For a small moment have I hid My face from thee; but with everlasting mercies will I gather thee.”
January Second
Self dedication
“One shall say I am the Lord’s” Isaiah 44:5.
Oh! There is no greater joy than for a believing soul to give himself all to God. This has always been the way in times of refreshing. It was so at Pentecost. First they gave their own selves unto the Lord. It was so with Boston, and Doddridge, and Edwards, and all the holy men of old.
“I have this day been before God,” says Edwards, “and have given myself — all that I am and have — to God; so that I am in no respect my own. I can challenge no right in myself — in this understanding, this will, these affections. Neither have I right to this body, or any of its members — no right to this tongue, these hands, …