By A W Pink
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To the infidel much in the Scriptures seems so inconsistent and inharmonious that he charges them with “abounding in contradictions.” That there should be no variableness or shadow of turning with God, yet that He is frequently said to “repent;” that He claims to be omnipotent and invincible, yet complains “ye have set at nought all My counsel” (Prov. 1:25); that He is love, yet abhors the wicked (Psa. 5:6); that He is of tender mercy, yet has appointed an eternity of torment for all those whose names are not written in the book of life—to mention no others—appear to the sceptic as irreconcilable teachings. To the natural man the Christian life appears to be a mass of bewildering paradoxes. That the poor in spirit and those who mourn should be pronounced happy, that we have to be made fools in order to become wise, that it is when we are weak we are strong, that we must lose our life in order to save it (Matt. 16:25), and that we are bidden to “rejoice with trembling” (Psa. 2:11) transcend his comprehension. Yet none of these things present any insuperable difficulty unto those who are taught of God.
In like manner there is not a little in the teaching of Holy Writ which perplexes the theologian. As he studies and ponders its declarations, one doctrine—for a time, at least—seems to clash with another. If God has predestinated whatsoever cometh to pass, then what room is left for the discharge of human responsibility and free agency? If the Fall has deprived man of all spiritual strength, then how can he be held blameworthy for failing to perform spiritual duties? If Christ died for the elect only, then how can He be offered freely to “every creature?” If the believer be Christ’s “freeman,” then why is he required to take upon him His “yoke?” If he has been set at “liberty” (Gal. 5:1) then how can he be “under the Law” (1 Cor. 9:21). If the believer be preserved by God, then how can his own perseverance be necessary in order to the attainment of everlasting bliss? if he be secure, how can he be in danger? If he has been delivered from the power of darkness …