Sermons of Robert Murray MCheyne 11. The Impressions of Natural Men are Fading
By Robert Murray M'Cheyne
“O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away” Hosea 6:4.
Doctrine — The impressions of natural men are fading. In these words, God complains that He did not know what to do with Israel, their impressions were so fading. He says, verse 5, that he had hewed them by the prophets, and slain them by the words of His mouth: and their judgments were as the light that goeth forth. At one time He sent them severe awakening messages of coming wrath; then messages of love and grace, as bright, and as many as the beams of the sun. They were a little impressed by them; the cloud of distress began to gather on their brow — the dew of grief seemed to start on their cheek, but it soon dried up. It was like the morning cloud and early dew that goeth away. So it is with all the unconverted persons in this congregation, who will finally perish. God has sent them awakening messages — hewed them by the prophets — and slain them by the words of His mouth. He has sent them also sweet encouraging messages; His judgments have been like the light that goeth forth. They think, and are impressed for a little, but it soon dies away. “O Ephraim, what shall I do,” etc. I. The fact that the impressions of natural men fade away. 1. Prove the fact from Scripture. — The Scriptures abound with examples of it.
First, Lot’s wife. She was a good deal awakened. The anxious faces of the two angelic men — their awful words, and merciful hands — made a deep impression on her. The anxiety of her husband, too, and his words to his sons-in-law, sunk into her heart. She fled with anxious steps; but as the morning brightened, her anxious thoughts began to wear away. She looked back, and became a pillar of salt.
Second, Israel at the Red Sea. When Israel had been led through the deep water in safety, and when they saw their enemies drowned, then they sang God’s praise. Their hearts were much affected by this deliverance. They sang, “The Lord is my strength and song, He also is become my salvation.” They sang his praises, but soon forgot His works. In three days they were murmuring …