Sleepy Saints
By A W Pink
Sleepy Saints
A. W. Pink
What an anomaly! Drowsing on the verge of eternity! A Christian is one who, in contrast to the unregenerate, has been awakened from the sleep of death in trespasses and sins, made to realize the unspeakable awfulness of endless misery in hell and the ineffable joy of everlasting bliss in heaven; and thereby brought to recognize the seriousness and solemnity of life. A Christian is one who has been taught experientially the worthlessness of all mundane things and the preciousness of divine things. He has turned his back on Vanity Fair and has started out on his journey to the Celestial City. He has been quickened into newness of life and supplied with the most powerful incentives to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). Nevertheless, it is sadly possible for him to suffer a relapse, for his zeal to abate (Tit. 2:14), his graces to languish, for him to leave his first love (Rev. 2:4), and become weary of well-doing (Gal. 6:9; 2 Thess. 3:13). Yea, unless he be very much on his guard, drowsiness will steal over him, and he will fall asleep. Corruptions still indwell in him, and sin has a stupefying effect. He is yet in this evil world, and it exerts an enervating influence. Satan seeks to devour him, and unless resisted, steadfastly will hypnotize him. Thus, the menace of this spiritual “sleeping sickness” is very real.
Slumbering saints! What an incongruity! Taking their ease while threatened by danger. Lazing instead of fighting “the good fight of faith” (1 Tim. 6:12). Trifling away opportunities to glorify their Saviour, instead of redeeming the time (Eph. 5:16; Col. 4:5): rusting, instead of wearing out in His service. We speak with wonderment and horror of Nero fiddling while Rome was burning; but far more startling and reprehensible is a careless Christian who has departed from God, bewitched by a world which is doomed to eternal destruction. Such a travesty …