Spiritual Union and Communion - 10. Glory Union and 11. Conclusion

By A W Pink

This present life, with is continual mixture of good and evil, joy and sorrow, with its constant fluctuations and disappointments, naturally prompts a reflecting mind to the belief a ...


Spiritual Union and Communion
A. W. Pink

10. Glory Union and
11. Conclusion

10. Glory Union.
This present life, with is continual mixture of good and evil, joy and sorrow, with its constant fluctuations and disappointments, naturally prompts a reflecting mind to the belief and hope of a future life that will be more perfect and permanent; yet that is as far as the unaided intellect can project us. A Divine revelation is indispensable if we are to learn how Heaven is to be reached, and of what its blessedness consists. By the fall of the first Adam paradise was lost, and only through the last Adam can sinners be restored unto God, and only by the supernatural operations of the Spirit can the hearts of depraved men be fitted for and their steps be directed along the sole way which conducts to the mansions in the Father’s House. Vain is human reasoning, worthless the efforts of imagination, when it comes to obtaining a knowledge of that antitypical Canaan which flows with spiritual milk and honey. How thankful, then, should we be for the Word of Prophecy and the light it supplies while we are in this dark world.

That blessed light has been enjoyed by God’s elect from earliest times. “As for me (said the Psalmist), I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness” (Psa. 17:15). Here was the blessed sequel to Jehovah’s response unto Moses: “show me Thy glory” had been his request, “thou canst not see My face (in this life), for there shall no man see Me, and live” was the Divine response (Exod. 33:18 -20). But what is, necessarily, denied the saints now, shall be granted them in the future. While in this world indwelling sin raises an insuperable barrier, incapacitating the soul to discern more than a few broken rays of the Divine splendour. But when we “awake,” on the Resurrection-morn, and sin and the grave are left behind, then will the soul be fitted for the beatific vision, for “the pure in heart shall see God” (Matt. 5:8), see Him then as they cannot now. …

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Spiritual Union and Communion - 10. Glory Union and 11. Conclusion

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