Spiritual Union and Communion - 9. Experimental Union
By A W Pink
Spiritual Union and Communion
A. W. Pink
9. Experimental Union.
We have now arrived at the last and, in some respects, the most blessed aspect of our theme: for what does our mystical, legal, vital, saving, and practical union with Christ amount to, unless it issues in experimental, intimate, precious oneness of heart with Him? This is really the simplest branch of our many-sided subject, yet not a few find it the most difficult: not because of its intellectual intricacy, but because they find it so hard to believe, and harder still to carry out into practice. It seems too good to be true, too blissful for realisation in this life, too far above the reach of poor worms of the dust wriggling in the mire. Was it not thus when, as an awakened and convicted sinner, you first heard that Christ was an all-sufficient Saviour?—ah, but not for ME. Later, what difficulties presented themselves to your mind: your vileness, your utter unworthiness, your unbelief! What penances, reformations, labours, you supposed were necessary to qualify you for His salvation! But when the Spirit communicated faith, you were amazed at the simplicity of what before had baffled you.
It is much the same in the history of many Christians concerning experimental union and communion with Christ—a conscious, intimate, joyous fellowship with Him who is Altogether Lovely. When they hear or read of this, they conclude that such a blissful experience is not for them. Sin is too powerful, too active within; to ever hope for close fellowship with the Holy One in this life. Others may be more favoured, their corruptions may be more Divinely subdued, but as for me, I can only expect to go halting and mourning the rest of my earthly pilgrimage. At best, I can only hope that God will not utterly cast me off, that He will mercifully preserve me from open transgressions which would bring dishonour upon His cause, that He will graciously bear with my innumerable failures, and at last take me to Heaven for Christ’s sake; but that He should grant me any more than an occasional smile, a sip of His love by the way, is too much for me to expect.
“Ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our …