The Doctrine of Revelation - Part One, The Existence of God - Booklet Two
By A W Pink
The Doctrine of Revelation – Booklet Two
Part One
A. W. Pink
2. The Existence of God as Revealed in Man
3. The Existence of God as Seen in Human History
4. The Existence of God as Unveiled in the Lord Jesus Christ
2. The Existence of God as Revealed in Man Creation makes manifest the Creator, and having considered some of the mighty products of Omnipotence therein, we turn now to that which comes closer home unto each of us. We are not obliged to go far afield and turn our attention to objects in the heavens or the depths of the ocean in order to find evidences of God’s existence—we may discover them in ourselves. Man himself exhibits a Divine Maker, yea, he is the chief of His mundane works. Accordingly we find that Genesis 1, after giving a brief but vivid account of how the heavens and earth were called into existence by a Divine fiat and both of them furnished for the benefit of the human race, God made man last—as though to indicate he is the climax of His works. In each other instance we are told “God said,” “God called,” “God created,” etc., but in our case there is a marked difference: “And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness” (1:26), as if to signify (speaking after the manner of men) there was a special conference of the Divine Trinity in connection with the formation of that creature who should be made in the Divine image. All the works of God bear the impress of His wisdom, but man alone has stamped upon him the Divine likeness.
The fact that man was made by the Triune God and “in Their image” plainly indicates that he was constituted a tripartite being, consisting of spirit and soul and body—the first being capable of God-consciousness, the second of self-consciousness, and the …