The Mission and Miracles of Elisha - Part One

By A W Pink

That which occupies the central and dominant place in what the Spirit has been pleased to record of the life of Elisha are the miracles performed by and connected with him. Far more ...


The Mission and Miracles of Elisha – Part One
A. W. Pink

1. Introduction
2. First Miracle
3. Second Miracle

1. Introduction

That which occupies the central and dominant place in what the Spirit has been pleased to record of the life of Elisha are the miracles performed by and connected with him. Far more miracles were wrought by him or were granted in answer to his prayers than by any other of the Old Testament Prophets. In fact the narrative of his history consists of little else than a record of supernatural acts and events. Nor need this at all surprise us, though it is strange that so few seem to grasp the implication and signification of the same. The character of Elisha’s mission and ministry was in thorough keeping with Israel’s conditaion at that time. The very fact that these miracles were needed by them indicates the state into which they had fallen. Idolatry had held sway for so long that the true and living God was no longer known by the nation. Here and there were individuals who believed in and owned the Lord but the masses were worshippers of idols. Therefore by means of drastic interpositions, by awe-inspiring displays of His power, by supernatural manifestations of His justice and mercy alike, God forced even the sceptical to recognize His existence and subscribe to His supremacy. In our introductory article on the life of Elijah we pointed out what is implied and denoted by the prophetic office and mission. We think now it is fitting that we should make a few remarks upon the reason for and meaning of miracles. The two partake of much the same nature, for prophecy is really an oral miracle, while miracles are virtually prophecies (forthtellings of God) in action. As God only sends forth one of His Prophets in a time of marked …

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The Mission and Miracles of Elisha - Part One

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