The Sword of Justice Awakened against God’s Fellow - Part One

By Ralph Erskine

“Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts” Zechariah 13:7. ...


The Sword of Justice Awakened against God’s Fellow – Part One
Ralph Erskine

“Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts” Zechariah 13:7. This text, sirs, is a very wonderful one; as ever a poor mortal man preached upon; for in it there is a cloud, a black cloud, a cloud of divine wrath and vengeance, a bloody cloud, the cloud of Christ’s bloody passion, which we are to celebrate the memorials of this day; but, like the cloud that led Israel in the wilderness though it had a black side towards Christ, yet it has a bright and light side towards all the Israel of God; for this cloud of blood distils in a sweet shower of blessings unto poor sinners: there is a light in this cloud wherein we may see God, in Christ, reconciling the world to himself.

This verse presents us with a clear prediction of the sufferings of Christ; and the disposition of his disciples thereupon: “Smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered; and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones:” which our Lord expressly applies to himself, and his disciples, (Matt. 26:31; Mark 14:27). So that we need not stand to inquire, of whom the prophet here, or rather, of whom God here speaks; for the words of our text are the words of God the Father, giving orders and commission to the sword of his justice, to awake against his Son, when he had undertaken to become our surety. More particularly in the words you may notice these three things: —

1. A solemn call and summons given to God’s vengeance, or vindictive justice, to rendezvous its forces, and march forth in battle array, in all circumstances of terror: “Awake, O sword.”

2. The party against whom this dreadful battle is proclaimed, this terrible sword is brandished; must it not be against sinners? nay, but the sinner’s surety: “against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow:” not against the sheep, but the shepherd; not against a shepherd simply; but against my shepherd; not against mankind, but a man; not against a man simply, a mere man, but “the man that is my fellow;” mine equal. …

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The Sword of Justice Awakened against God’s Fellow - Part One

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