The Two Paradises

By Andrew Gray

We read of two Paradises — one is described to us in the beginning of the Bible, and the other at the end of it. The book of Genesis has its Paradise, and so has the book of Revelati ...


The Two Paradises – Andrew Gray (Perth)

We read of two Paradises — one is described to us in the beginning of the Bible, and the other at the end of it. The book of Genesis has its Paradise, and so has the book of Revelation. There is the Paradise of the first Adam, and there is also the Paradise of the last Adam. Looking back as far as history carries us, we see a Paradise which none of us shall ever enjoy; and, looking forward, through the medium of Divine promises and predictions, we see a Paradise from which the people of God shall never depart. The one is going farther away continually, but the other is coming nearer and nearer; and its fragrance is felt in the gentle zephyrs that blow upon Mount Zion.
The descriptions cannot be perused without leading the thoughts into a comparison and contrast of the one Paradise with the other. Yielding to that guidance, our remarks will be arranged under the following heads:—

I. The Rivers.
II. The Trees.
III. The Curse.
IV. The General State of the Inhabitants.

I. The Rivers. — A river is a beautiful object. A river of clear water winding through a garden, meandering among flowers and trees, presents to the eye a lovely scene. And then, besides the beauty of a river or stream in itself, which may be called its direct contribution of beauty, much of the remaining attractions of the garden through which it passes is to be ascribed to it. The flowers and the trees are quickened and refreshed by it. Through its aid the flowers assume their fair and gorgeous array, and the trees spread out their noble arms, and are covered with foliage and fruit. There was a river in the Paradise of Eden The benignant Creator did not leave the primeval home of man without the advantage and the ornament of a river. “A river,” we are informed, “went out of Eden to water the garden.” A river was there — a pure, majestic, and branching stream — to fertilize, embellish, and gladden the place. …

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The Two Paradises

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