Xmas and a Word 'to the Unsaved'

By A W Pink

“Who hath required this at your hand?” (Isa. 1:12). This question was asked Israel of old by Jehovah with regard to their “vain oblations,” which He declared were an “abomination” un ...


Xmas and a Word ‘To the Unsaved’
A. W. Pink


“Who hath required this at your hand?” (Isa. 1:12). This question was asked Israel of old by Jehovah with regard to their “vain oblations,” which He declared were an “abomination” unto Him. Well may He issue the same searching inquiry to the peoples of Christendom in connection with their annual carnal gratifications and financial extravagances in the celebrating of “Xmas.” Most certainly the Lord Himself does not require it. Nowhere in His Word has He bidden us to celebrate the birth of His Son, and nowhere in the New Testament is there any record that the early Christians did so. Therefore, if even a religious commemoration of the incarnation of the Saviour receives not the slightest warrant from the Scriptures, then how much less does the worldly and fleshly celebrating thereof find justification therein? If, then, God has not required anyone to memorialize the birth of Christ, who has? Who are the ones that have introduced and popularized this innovation? The first answer is, the Papacy. This is unmistakably evident from the name given to this season, for “Xmas” is but an abbreviation of “Christ-mass.” It is Rome and those sections of Protestantism which never succeeded in completely shaking off her shackles who have engineered this monstrosity. Second, it is the Mammonites who saw their opportunity to make capital out of the same. They have commercialized this season for their own mercenary gain, for probably more money changes hand during December than in any three months together. Third, the lovers of pleasure have united with the lovers of money to make this season one of festivity and feasting, in which they can gratify their carnal lusts to the full. There are few things in the world today which so plainly evidence how rapidly and how thoroughly so-called “Protestantism” is being Romanized as the observance of “Xmas” by both church-goers and the masses who make no religious profession. The Papists have been quick to seize such an opportunity for the promotion of Mariolatry. And sad it is to see the watchmen on Zion’s walls asleep at their posts of duty, instead of sounding the alarm. With very few exceptions so-called Protestant churches and chapels yield to the popular demand and have their “special Christmas services.” How the pope and his satellites must chuckle at the folly of those whose fathers once stood as a firm bulwark against her insidious approaches. Reader, you are playing into the …

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Xmas and a Word 'to the Unsaved'

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