Daily Grace Gems

Daily devotions: Grace Gems
Using their own words:
A Treasury of Ageless, Sovereign Grace, Devotional Writings
Their main list below:

Grace Quotes


The Bible

The Bible!LISTEN to Audio!  This gem is a MUST listen! [It is quite sad that most all who receive Grace Gems never listen to the audios, hence are missing out on an immense daily blessing. I suppose that this is because they need to subscribe to SermonAudio’s weekly newsletter in order to listen to them.


The Bible Read More »

The inexhaustible treasures of His grace!

The inexhaustible treasures of His grace! (Octavius Winslow, “The God of Grace”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio“And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious  riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19Bring your perplexities to God, and He will guide them.Bring your needs to God, and He will supply them.Bring your mountains to God, and He


The inexhaustible treasures of His grace! Read More »

Wars, pestilences, earthquakes!

Wars, pestilences, earthquakes! (Charles Spurgeon, “Now, and Then“)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio“Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.”1 Corinthians 13:12When we get to Heaven, we shall understand the reasons of many of God’s Providential dealings.We shall there discover that . . .    wars that devastated


Wars, pestilences, earthquakes! Read More »

The wretched worm of the earth!

The wretched worm of the earth! (Thomas Reade, “The Evil of Pride”)  LISTEN to Audio!   Download Audio“God resists the proud.” James 4:6  Pride rules and governs the hearts of natural men! It is continually in operation.Pride militates against the soul-humbling  doctrines of the Gospel. Salvation by grace, through faith in the blood of Christ–is most offensive


The wretched worm of the earth! Read More »

For you!

For you! (Stephen Tyng, “Christ is All”)  LISTEN to Audio!   Download Audio“God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” Romans 5:8The love of God to guilty man is a love that passes knowledge.Its riches are unsearchable; and its extent past finding out.  For you, the heavens


For you! Read More »