The great master-scar of the soul!

The great master-scar of the soul!

(Thomas Brooks, “A Word in Season to Suffering Saints“)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

(You will find it most helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.)

Humility makes a man like an angel–but pride makes an angel, a devil! Pride is worse than the devil–for the devil cannot hurt you, until pride has possessed you. Proud souls are Satan’s apes, none imitate him to the life like these; for as face answers to face in a looking-glass, so does a proud soul answer to Satan!

“I hate pride and arrogance!” Proverbs 8:13

Take heed of pride and haughtiness of spirit. Pride is the great master-scar of the soul; it will bud and blossom–it cannot be hidden. Pride is the leprosy of the soul, which breaks forth in the very forehead! Pride is . . .
  the sum of all vileness,
  a sea of sin,
  a mother sin,
  a breeding sin–
  a sin which has all sorts of sin in its womb!
In pride, all vices are wrapped up together in a bundle!

Pride is Satan’s disease! It is so base a disease, that God would rather see His dearest children buffeted by Satan, than that in pride they should be like Satan (2 Corinthians 12:7). Pride is . . .
  a gilded misery,
  a secret poison,
  a hidden plague,
  the engineer of deceit,
  the mother of hypocrisy,
  the parent of misery,
  the moth of holiness,
  the blinder of hearts,
  the turner of medicines into maladies.

“The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished!” Proverbs 16:5

God will have nothing to do with proud people.
He won’t come near such loathsome lepers!

Therefore as ever you would enjoy God’s presence,
  arm yourself against pride,
  watch against pride, and
  pray hard against pride!

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Something to ponder:

“Chrysostom calls humility the root, mother, nurse and foundation of all virtue. Basil calls it the storehouse and treasury of all good. What is the scandal and reproach of religion at this day? Nothing more than the pride of professors.” Thomas Brooks

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