He makes all His subjects kings!
(William Dyer, “Christ’s Famous Titles”)
“He has made us kings and priests to our God.” Revelation 5:10
The Lord Jesus infinitely excels all earthly kings, in that He makes all His subjects kings! He has a crown of glory for every subject. Oh, what a glorious King is this.
Oh sirs, it is better to be a poor member of Christ, than the head of a nation. Oh, how infinitely happy are all Christ’s subjects. They are all kings, all heirs, all favorites, all sons.
Alas, where is there such a king to be found, who makes all His subjects kings?
There are many kings who undo their subjects, but Christ makes His subjects kings.
There are many kings who make their subjects beggars, but Christ makes His subjects kings.
There are many kings who put their subjects to death, but Christ died that His subjects might live.
There are many kings who give their subjects titles, but Christ gives all His subjects Heaven.
Now, beloved, here is the excellence of our King: He makes all His subjects kings and gives them all crowns of glory!
“To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with Me on My throne!” Revelation 3:21
Jesus Christ is an ENTHRONED King! But, beloved, this is not all; Christ not only sits there Himself, but He has promised that all who overcome, shall sit down with Him upon His throne.
Now, I wonder where there is any king but Christ, who allows his subjects to sit upon his throne with him. Alas! this would be treason for a man to attempt it.
Oh, what a glorious King is Jesus. Every one of His poor subjects shall sit upon the throne with Him. One would think this very promise would draw the whole world after Christ. Oh, what great offers, and privileges, and honors Christ bestows upon all His poor followers. He not only makes them kings, but He brings them to sit upon His very throne with Him!
O believer, you say that it would be an honor indeed, if could you but look into heaven, and merely to see Christ sit upon His throne. But this honor have all His saints; yes, much more–He makes them all kings, and grants to them to sit down with Him upon His throne!
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Arthur Pink, “The Attributes of God”
Chapter 4. The Foreknowledge of God
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