He seems to grow more like Satan!

He seems to grow more like Satan!

(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Morning Visit”)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

“Their righteousness is from Me!” Isaiah 54:17

The longer the Christian lives, the more he learns. And the more the Spirit teaches him, the more he loathes himself and renounces his own righteousness as filthy rags.

He hoped sensibly . . .
  to grow in holiness,
  to feel his corruptions subdued, and
  to enjoy the presence of his God without interruption.

But instead of this:
  he seems to grow more like Satan,
  his corruption appears to get stronger and stronger, and
  the depravity of his nature appears more and more dreadful!

He thinks himself to be a monster of iniquity, and wonders how God can possibly love him or show any favor unto him.

Yet, this heart-felt experience . . .
  endears God’sfree grace,
  renders Christ unspeakably precious,
  and the gift of righteousness invaluable!

How can such a man be just before God?
Where is his righteousness to come from?
Jehovah answers, “His righteousness is from Me!”

Jesus wrought it;
the Father imputes it to us;
the gospel reveals it; and
faith receives it, puts it on, and pleads it before God.

Precious Jesus! In You alone, I have righteousness and strength!

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