He who is least in the kingdom of Heaven!
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The least in the Messiah’s kingdom, which was just then founded upon earth, are greater than John the Baptist.
They have a fuller discovery of Christ’s character.
John himself, and indeed the Apostles also, until after the resurrection, had very imperfect views of Christ. They saw not, or saw but very faintly:
the dignity of His person,
the necessity of His death,
the certainty of His resurrection,
and the nature of His kingdom.
But now, the most ignorant of Christ’s disciples have a comparatively clear, enlarged, and certain knowledge of Him. They know what God has revealed concerning:
His person, as Emmanuel, God with us;
His work, as making a perfect sin-atoning sacrifice, and working out a perfect righteousness, for His people;
and His offices, as the Prophet, Priest, and King of His redeemed people.
In this they are as superior to John, just as John was superior to the least enlightened of all the ancient prophets.
They have a richer experience of Christ’s love.
They can tell, not merely what He will do, but what He has done. Yes, they can say, “He has loved me, and given Himself for me!” They have felt the sin-atoning virtue of Christ’s blood in purging their consciences from guilt, and the efficacy of His grace in subduing their most inveterate corruptions. They know what it is to receive the blessings which they need, out of His fullness; and how to maintain sweet fellowship with Him from day to day.
They have within themselves the evidence that He is a living, a gracious, and an almighty Savior . . .
who fulfills all His promises to them,
who guides them by His Spirit,
who upholds them by His arm,
who sanctifies them by His grace,
who comforts them with His presence,
and who renders them fit for the enjoyment of His heavenly kingdom!
In all of this, their superiority to John the Baptist, is as the meridian sun compared to the early dawn!