I will not be so covetous as to hope for two Heavens!

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

Ah! Poor soul–it is the rich man who goes to Hell!
John Bunyan, very insightful
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I will not be so covetous as to hope for two Heavens!

(Joseph Hall, 1574-1656)

Every man has a Heaven and a Hell.

Earth is the wicked man’s Heaven; his Hell is to come.

On the contrary, the godly have their Hell upon earth, where they are vexed with temptations and afflictions; their Heaven is above, in endless glory.

If it is hard with me on earth, it is well that my afflictions are so short and so easy. I will not be so covetous as to hope for two Heavens!

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If your church services are cancelled, we encourage you to watch this insightful video:
Questions & Answers #10, with John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Mark Dever & Ligon Duncan
WATCH VIDEO   Play Audio!  Download Audio

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