Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:
He is altogether lovely!
William Dyer, precious
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Indeed, my dear friend, these are sovereign blessings!(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795)
My dear friend,
He does all things for the best! And He is teaching you not only to say it, but also to feel it. He will make you sensible that all His dealings with you are in loving-kindness and great tenderness.Look back; see and admire in what a gracious way He has led all your steps thus far. Oh, what distinguishing mercies . . .
to call you by His grace,
to make you obedient to His call,
to teach you His gospel in a manner granted to very few,
to keep you by His own power for so many years, that you have not fallen nor disgraced your profession of our most holy faith.To this hour He preserves you waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus unto eternal life!
Indeed, my dear friend, these are sovereign blessings!“To Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy–to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” Jude 1:24-25
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If you are unable to attend your local church today, we highly encourage you to read and listen to J.R. Miller’s uplifting and encouraging 12 minute article, “Think on These Things!“
N.B. The updated article will not exactly match the audio of the original.~ ~ ~ ~
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