Little Sins!

Little Sins!

(J.R. Miller, 1890)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

“Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 5:19

A great many people are careful about breaking large commandments and committing heinous sins–while they commit ‘little sins’ continually and without scruple.

They would not tell a direct lie for the world, but their speech is full of little falsehoods!

They would not steal money from the purse or drawer of another–and yet they continually commit small thefts! For example, by mistake the grocer gives them a penny too much change–and they do not think of returning it. Through the carelessness of a postal worker, the postage stamp on a letter is left uncancelled, and they take it off and use it a second time.

They would not purposely try to blacken a neighbor’s name or destroy his character–and yet they repeat to others the evil whispers about him which they have heard, and thus soil his reputation.

They would not swear or curse in the coarse way of the ungodly–but they are continually using minced oaths, such as Gosh! Jees! Heck! and other culturally accepted substitutes for overt swearing.

They would not do flagrant acts of wickedness to disgrace themselves–but their lives are honey-combed with all kinds of little meannesses, impurities, selfishnesses, and bad tempers.

We need to remember, that little disobediences harm our witness for the kingdom of Heaven.

Little sins mar the beauty of our character.

Then, little sins are sure to grow!
The trickling leak in the dike–becomes a torrent deluging vast plains!

Ofttimes, too, little sins are infinite in their consequences.

We ought never to indulge even the smallest faults or evil habits–but should aim always at perfection of character; and perfection is made up of ‘littles’.

Editor’s note:
Minced oaths are used to avoid blatant swearing, when expressing surprise or annoyance.
Minced oaths are usually, although not exclusively, religious in nature, and date from the days when it was irreverent and unacceptable to use the name of God, Jesus, or other sacred words in everyday speech. To mince your words, means to choose words so as not to offend anyone–except for God, who sees them as blasphemy! I have been reading the older books for some 45 years, and never once have I come across a minced oath. Now-a-days most all professing Christians use minced oaths on a regular basis!

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who takes His name in vain!” Exodus 20:7

John MacArthur
“God’s name is taken more times in vain in churches than anywhere else.
 The blasphemy in the sanctuary is worse than the blasphemy in the street!”

Here are a few examples of minced oaths:
   Gosh — God
   Gosh darned — God damned
   Heck — Hell
   Jeez — Jesus
   Dang — Damn
   Darn — Damn
   Darnation — Damnation
   Doggone — God damn
   Gee whizz — Jesus
   My goodness — My God
   My gosh — My God
   Tarnation — Damnation
   Good grief — Good God
   Goodness gracious — Good God
   By golly — By God
   By gosh — By God
   Cripes — Christ

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