My friend, I know not what your trouble may be

My friend, I know not what your trouble may be

(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Morning Visit”)  Play Audio!  Download

“If I were you, I would seek unto God! I would lay my cause before Him!” Job 5:8

This is sound advice. It is much better than . . .
  seeking unto men,
  or poring over troubles,
  or indulging a gloomy imagination,
  or giving way to fears.

My friend, I know not what your trouble may be, but “If I were you, I would seek unto God!

If I was in perplexity, I would seek unto God for wisdom.

If I was in sorrow, I would seek unto God for comfort.

If I was in weakness, I would seek unto God for strength.

If I was under guilt, I would seek unto God for pardon.

If I was in a severe conflict, I would seek unto God for victory.

If I was in doubt and fear, I would seek unto God for confidence and a sense of His favor.

If I was harassed by Satan, I would seek unto almighty God for protection.

If I was afraid of falling, I would seek unto God to uphold me with His omnipotent arm.

If I was alarmed at death, I would seek for His presence to comfort me.

Whatever you need, seek it from God!

Whatever you fear, carry it to God!

Whatever troubles you, lay it before God!

You cannot seek unto Him in vain, or without profit!

“If I were you, I would seek unto God! I would lay my cause before Him!”

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