Our great lesson!

Our great lesson!

(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Morning Visit”)

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“I will instructyou.” Psalm 32:8

At best we know but little, and we are slowto learn.
But the Lord has promised to instruct us.
The Lord’s teaching always produces . . .
  confidence in God,
  zeal for His glory, and
  heart devotion to Him!

The Lord’s teaching always . . .
  brings us to the feet of Jesus, and
  delivers us from the present evil world.

Under Divine instruction we learn . . .
  the true nature of sin,
  the vanity of the world,
  the emptiness of creatures, and
  the fullness and preciousness of Christ!

Is God willing to instruct us?
Then let us be early and often at His throne of grace, praying, as the Psalmist did,
Show me Your ways, O LORD,
 teach me Your paths;
 guide me in Your truth and teach me;
 for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

Then shall we exclaim, as Elihu did,
“God is exalted in His power. Who is a teacher like Him!” Job 36:22

The Lord will teach us to profit, and sanctify us through the truth He imparts.

Christ isour great lesson, and to know Him rightly is life, peace and joy!

Is Jesus your Teacher? Then . . .
  sit at His feet,
  treasure up His Words,
  and show forth His praise!

He says, “Learn of Me.” Learn to . . .
  know Him,
  love Him,
  obey Him, and
  live upon Him!

Teach me Your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path!” Psalm 27:11

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