Pithy gems from J.C. Ryle #4

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

“What is it to be a Christian?”Samuel Davies
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Pithy gems from J.C. Ryle #4

Our Lord has . . .
  many weak children in His family,
  many dull pupils in His school,
  many raw soldiers in His army,
  many lame sheep in His flock.
Yet He bears with them all, and casts none away.
Happy is that Christian who has learned to do likewise with his brethren.

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A religion that costs nothing is worth nothing. A cheap Christianity, without a cross–will prove in the end to be a useless Christianity, without a crown.

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That preaching is sadly defective, which dwells exclusively on the mercies of God and the joys of Heaven–yet never sets forth the terrors of the Lord and the miseries of Hell.

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Sin forsaken–is one of the best evidences of sin forgiven.

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To be a Christian–it will cost a man his sins!

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There is no such thing as ‘chance’, ‘luck’, or ‘accident’ in the Christian journey through this world. All is arranged and appointed by God, who works all things together for the believer’s eternal good.

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If you desire additional reading, may we suggest James Smith’s uplifting article, “Christ Precious!

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