Pithy gems from Thomas Goodwin

Today’s Puritan AUDIO Devotional:

Perpetual fuel to the flames of Hell!
Thomas Brooks  Powerful, 3 minutes.
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Pithy gems from Thomas Goodwin, 1599-1679

They only are wise, who are wise unto salvation.

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In Christ are treasures that will require digging to the end of the world!

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If I were to go to Heaven, and find that Christ was not there, I would leave immediately; for Heaven without Christ would be Hell to me.

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Judas heard all of Christ’s sermons.

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Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.

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As faith is merely a receiving grace, so prayer is a begging grace.

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My brethren, when God first began to love you, He gave you all that He ever meant to give you in the lump–and eternity is the time in which He is doling it out.

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Christian! All that God is, will supply all that you need.

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The person who loves Christ best, is the person who will pray best.

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Christ’s riches are unsearchable, and the gospel is the field this Treasure is hidden in.

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God is infinitely beautiful in Himself, and His beauty ought to attract you like a magnet.

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It is not enough to hear a sermon, but you must eat it down, take in what it commands, and then it will purge your heart. Take the Word and digest it, squeeze its juice into your heart, and it will purge you from all contrary corruption.

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Is Christ God’s Beloved, with and in whom He is well pleased? And is He not your Beloved?

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We have posted J.C. Ryle’s insightful sermon, “The Real Presence–What is it?
LISTEN to audio!  Read text  Download audio
You will find it helpful to READ the text–as you listen to the audio!
(N.B. The edited text will not exactly match the unedited audio.)

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