
Pierced! (James Smith, “Looking Upon the Pierced One!” 1860)  Play Audio!  Download Audio “He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed!” Isaiah 53:5 If we would enjoy peace, grow in grace, and walk with God–there


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I am dying!

I am dying! (James Smith, “Joseph’s Dying Words” 1860)  Play Audio!  Download Audio The words of the dying are often striking and impressive. We remember them, and derive benefit from them. This has always been the case, especially with the saints of God. The words of the patriarch Joseph to his brethren when he was


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Pardon! (Charles Spurgeon, “His Name, Wonderful!”)  Play Audio!  Download Audio Once upon a time, there came to my house one of a black and stern aspect. He smote the door; I tried to bolt it to hold it fast. He smote again and again, till at last he entered, and with a rough voice he


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